How Do You Process That?Long ago in a galaxy far away, I was dealing with chemo for bladder cancer as a precursor to a full cystectomy and prostatectomy. I was getting the weekly doses...Bookmark for later
What To Do When You Get The Worst Possible Bladder Cancer Diagnosis“The tumor board agreed unanimously that surgery is not an option,” the urologist told us. He didn’t make much eye contact so we understood that this was bad news but...Bookmark for later
Urinary Symptoms & Daily LifeIt is common for patients with bladder cancer to experience symptoms related to urination. Some of those urinary symptoms can be caused by the cancer, while others may be caused...Bookmark for later
Christmas CancerIt’s been said the once someone gets cancer, the whole family gets it. Truer words were never spoken. I guess in my case, I was fortunate enough to be diagnosed...Bookmark for later
Bladder Cancer: The Long, Unpredictable RoadLiving with bladder cancer can feel like holding your breath, never knowing what lies ahead or what the doctor might say at your next visit. We recently shared an article...Bookmark for later
Start Caring for Yourself TodayWe live in a culture that admires and celebrates hard work. This is a good thing to the extent it inspires us and keeps us motivated. But I believe our...Bookmark for later