I am a 70-year-old male and underwent my first TURBT (transurethral resection of bladder tumor) in July 2021. The procedure removed a low-grade urothelial carcinoma, and I received one instillation of Gemcitabine. Fortunately, there was no muscle invasion of the bladder, and I was monitored closely every three months. Unfortunately, my cancer has returned, and I underwent another TURBT with similar biopsy results. I am scheduled to begin 6 weeks of gemcitabine treatment soon. I never had visible blood in my urine, only microscopic red blood cells. My initial reason for visiting the urologist was BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) problems, as I was unable to control my urine flow. I am grateful that I sought medical attention early. Early detection is crucial! God Bless You All.