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Issue with pouch staying in during the very hot summer weather.

Last summer I experienced times when I was unable to keep the pouch on for more than 24 hours. Tried ice pack before changing the pouch. It was the 1st summer having that unpleasant experience. Live in Arizona.

  1. @CommunityMember451 - Have you tried Brava Strips? They come in a variety of shapes - straight, Y shaped and half circle and go around the edge of your wafer to help keep it secure when you are more active or in hot or wet climates. Colplast will send you samples to try if you go to their site or call. Also heat helps the adhesive activate so i would not use ice packs. Keep us posted and hope that this helps. My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. I live in Scotland, so heat not usually a issue here! However I spend all my vacation time in warm countries such as in the Caribbean. I generally have to change my bag more frequently than most anyway, so I change daily. Using flange extenders (sticky banana shape) to secure round the bag, will help it stay in place longer. Works for swimming etc too. Also stoma/Ostomy powder on your skin where the bag sticks can help too to reduce moisture on the skin. I talk about these products here Laura, Moderator,

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