Remembering Curtis Garbett
We are incredibly saddened to share that team member Curtis Garbett passed away on February 27, 2021. Curtis had been living with stage IV bladder cancer since he was diagnosed in 2015 at the young age of 38. We are thinking of his family and friends, and everyone whose lives he touched throughout his amazing life. Curtis will be remembered, and missed, by all who knew him.
A dedicated advocate
Curtis was the first community advocate to join the team. He shared so much wisdom and inspiration with the community, and we know that his work and dedication will continue to help others for years to come. Some of his writing and videos can be found at the links below; a full list of his articles can be found here.
- The Shocking News of a Stage 4 Diagnosis
- We Don't Just Have Bladder Cancer, We Have a Life to Live
- I’m Curtis, and This is My Immunotherapy Story
- The Importance of Early Detection
Curtis (second from left) alongside fellow team members in 2019.
Crush it for Curtis
Curtis poured so much of his heart into the Crush It For Curtis Foundation (CIFCF) which he founded in 2016 to advance bladder cancer research efforts and provide education and support to people with bladder cancer.
Fellow contributor and member of the CIFCF Board of Directors Shirley Norris shared a memory. "I first met Curtis in Philadelphia. We quickly became great personal friends. No matter what was happening to him, he battled on relentlessly raising awareness and supporting those with bladder cancer. Subjecting himself to new and sometimes grueling treatments in the hope it would help others. Everything about Curtis was him doing for others. He was one of the kindest people I’ve ever had the privilege to call a friend. He will be sorely missed."
Curtis's foundation partnered with every May for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month. He was so passionate about increasing public knowledge and spreading information far and wide. His legacy lives on through his foundation and inspires us to continue our quest to crush bladder cancer once and for all – for Curtis.
Join us in remembering Curtis
We know that Curtis's writing, advocacy efforts, and charismatic and warm personality touched so many of you. If you would like to share any memories or stories about Curtis, please visit our memory wall.
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