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Alina's Unexpected Story

How It Began

After having 3 UTIs in 2020, practically very few during my lifetime, I was told I was getting old, etc. In December I noticed blood in my urine, the urologist said to drink plenty of water, I immediately changed doctors. In January during my first ever cystoscopy an angry-looking single tumor was spotted on the right side of my otherwise healthy-looking bladder.

How Could This Happen To Me?

Two weeks later, I had the tumor removed, squamous cell carcinoma, this angry-looking tumor had already penetrated the muscle area, immediately I was recommended to go through with a radical cystectomy. I was in shock, at 69 years of age, after having been healthy all my life, I was facing cancer. A Non-smoker, non-drinker, healthy lifestyle, no family history of cancer, how could this be happening?

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An Unexpected Turn of Events

Well since the rest of my bladder looked healthy I opted to have a partial cystectomy. 3 weeks later during the surgery, my doctor spotted new cancer growing on the healthy left side of the bladder. Surgery was stopped and the whole bladder was biopsied. No more squamous cell carcinoma cancer cells were found, instead, the whole bladder now had urothelial carcinoma in situ. The cancer had progressed. I had two chemotherapy infusions directly into the bladder and then stopped.

The Future is Unwritten

Well, the oncology board at the hospital met to discussed my case and I was recommended to immediately have a radical cystectomy. I had to relocate to another state to be close to family. My new doctor agrees with my first doctor's recommendations. However, they are scheduling me for 12 chemotherapy infusions of five hours each, then two weeks rest, and then follow thru with the surgery.

I am confused and scared.
I understand what the doctors are saying but cannot feel I need to poison my body if I am losing my bladder and all of the other organs anyway. Any comments, regarding the chemotherapy or suggestions, will be greatly appreciated. God have mercy on us all.

This is my story. Thank you all.

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