Living with Bladder Cancer

What have I been through as someone who is living with bladder cancer? Initial terror at facing a life threatening disease. Confusion at not knowing exactly how to proceed and what to do. Fear of the future - would I be able to handle not just the disease but possibly my own mortality with grace, dignity and peace - the ways I’ve tried to live my entire life. The loss of personal/bodily privacy. The recognition that no matter how much I wished otherwise, I could not now live 100% independently but had to depend on help from family, friends, the medical community. BUT! That was only the beginning of my journey.

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Appreciating the moments in life

It’s not a journey I would have chosen, but as I’ve learned to live with the uncertainties, the tests, the procedures, the waiting, I realize that I’ve gained some great gifts. I appreciate the moments in my life more than ever before. Not just the big and fun moments, but also the everyday little graces that fill all our lives if we just learn to look for them.

I've learned so many things

I’ve learned that having to ask for or accept help doesn’t lessen my dignity or worth as a human being. I’ve learned patience and grace in the face of seeming “indignities”. I’ve learned to savor life more deeply, to live both as if I’ll die tomorrow but also as if I’ll live forever! I’ve learned and am learning lessons that wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t have bladder cancer and I’m grateful. In an odd way, my life today is richer and deeper than it’s ever been. I love my life and lifestyle even as I live it with bladder cancer that will always be with me.

What have learned from life with bladder cancer?

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