Checkup that Found Bladder Cancer

Last year, while trying to determine the source of a significant GI bleed, I underwent several tests and scans. One of these was an MRI of my lower abdomen which didn't show a source of the GI bleed but did show a spot on my bladder. Scoping showed a small mass that was a beginning bladder cancer.

Treating my bladder cancer

Surgery followed with a good dose of chemo. My doctor told me at my follow up that it was low grade and superficially attached, and that it was completely removed and had a less than normal chance of recurrence.

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Regular scopes to check for signs of recurrence

3 month, and now 6 month scoping is being done to keep a check on any signs of recurrence. Since bladder cancer doesn't normally show any symptoms until after significant growth, I was truly blessed by the accidental finding of mine in the early stages and can't stress enough the importance of regular checkups to possibly catch a problem before it becomes a major problem. Never did find the source of the GI bleed.

How was your bladder cancer discovered?

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