Bladder Cancer at 28 and Fear of Recurrence
I am 28 years old and have had bladder cancer for 5 months. I have been fighting against cystitis several times a year for 13 years and during this time, I have taken several kilos of antibiotics. But this time everything was different - the antibiotic did not work, I still had blood in my urine. So I was examined by a urologist.
After a cystoscopy and a biopsy, it was clear that there were two malignant tumours in my bladder. A shock! After two TURBTs, 13 radiations and chemotherapy with cisplatin, my prognosis is exemplary. A healthy young person who can win the battle against cancer.
Fear of recurrence
The fear of a recurrence is almost greater than the fear of not recovering. Because of my young age, the chance of a relapse is much greater and that takes away some of my courage. Does this fear move you, too?
What is your biggest fear about bladder cancer?
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