ongoing bladder cancer

In Febuary of 2007 I was lifting a large ladder over a fence to return it to my neighbor. I felt a great pain in my stomach and a feeling that I had to urinate. I went into the house to use the bathroom and I was bleeding when I was urinating. I called my wife and she returned home and took me to the hospital emergency room.

The tests said... Cancer

After tests and scans they said I had bladder cancer. I was set up with a bladder cancer doctor and she used an electric current to blast the cancer cells. This has been reoccurring every 3 to 6 to 12 months every year. I still have my bladder but it is really scarred up.

Cancer isn't the only setback...

In the meantime I have gotten CLL and AIHA and no longer have an immune system along with stage 4 COPD and stage 1.5 diabetes and high blood pressure and autonomic neuropathy and adrenal atrophy. now I have been out of the hospital for 6 months and I feel better every day. Things are not as bad as they make them out to be.

This is my story.

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