
Back in November 2020, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

My doctor began explaining about the surgery and what should be expected after it is removed. I did not fall apart or let myself get depressed. I sought advice from a doctor who specialized in radiation treatment. I listened intently to each Dr's explanation of the results of the two possible roads to take. At 1st I thought I would just go for the radiation until, I was informed it would take 28 Radiation treatments 5 days in a row for 6 weeks. I thought this could possibly be harmful to other organs so decided on the surgery.

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Prostate Cancer... now Bladder Cancer?

I ALSO went to get a 3rd opinion from a very prestigious cancer specialist. He said my case looked like a 50/50 choice but would opt for Surgery. So on March 2, 2021, I had my prostate removed. In 1 day out the next. I was elated and surprised that it was not bad at all. I went 1 week later 3/9/21 to have the catheter removed. I THEN was told the doctor saw something suspicious and had a Bladder Specialist come in the OR to remove the tumor.

New Treatments

I then had to have 6 BCG shots injected into my bladder. 1 each week. There was a waiting time of 6 weeks before I had to have a 2td Cystoscopy. I HAD that done today and am overwhelmed that the Cancer is gone! The BCG had worked and my next visit to see my Dr. is in 3 months. I am a man who believed in faith and prayer, as well as positivity. This wonderful, great news only was able to assure ME to continue in MY belief and strength.

Cancer Free Reflections..

This was an experience that was not an easy one. There were difficult sessions when getting the shots. Now that this is over I am very grateful to my Dr's and those who partook in any part of MY treatments. I wish everyone who is afflicted with this cancer to stand tall, and trust one's doctor's to assist and inform them of ALL the possibilities that can be done to aid in treating/curing this disease.

This is my story.

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