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1 year

Dear friends ,
Its been an year since my diagnosis, underwent 4 look-up cystoscopies, 3 biopsies and countless urine cytologies.

On BCG maintenance

Latest cystoscopy(today) -unremarkable (no biopsies taken this time )

Still in hospital bed, recovering the procedure

Felt like thanking you all wonderful people for being with me in this journey

  1. @shashidhar - Thank you for updating us on how you are doing. I am so happy that you had a good cysto day and hope that your recovery goes well also. You letting us know how you are doing is thanks enough!! We are always here for you so do not hesitate to reach out any time. My best to you. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. thanks for sharing with us. Wishing you many healthy and happy years ahead. Laura, Moderator,

      1. @Shashidhar - Hope you are home now and recovering well at home - a more comfortable environment for sure. I wish you good news also moving forward. Thank you for sharing your positive news. It is always good for others to hear both sides - the challenges and the good outcomes or success stories. Keep us updated on how you are doing,. My best to you. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

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