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18 month BCG treatment

Had my 18 month BCG treatment. Never had an issue with previous treatments except for the usual flu like symptoms. However my last two treatments were worse. First I developed a UTI and had to postpone my next appointment. Then with this last one, I have blood and blood clots in my urine. I know blood can be a side affect, but it’s been over a week. Is this something I can expect with treatments going forward? I will be calling my doctor but thought I’d ask here as well. Thanks!

  1. During your previous treatments did you notice a drop in your Blood Pressure and Pulse. My normal before the start of BCG treatments ( I take High Blood Pressure medications ) was 125/75 w/ a 70 pulse.

    I have just concluded my sixth (6th) BCG Treatement Monday July 10, 2023 and my initial numbers on first treatement were 128/57 w/ 60 pulse and by the sixth treatment they were 106/51 w/ 47 pulse.. So my diminishing pulse was the most astrouding and I have cut back since Monday to every other day on my high blood pressure medicine to every other day since the treatment on Monday to see if i get back up to what I was before the treatments. I have four days now since doing the 50% and my numbers today are 116/73 w/ 61 pulse.

    So would just like to ask fellow BCG Treatment patients if they have seen that also

    1. No drop in blood pressure

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