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Bcg treatment and tb vaccine

Hi there!
My father was recently diagnosed with ta high grade bladder cancer. The tumor was removed and he set to begin bcg washes weekly for 6 weeks and then maintenance doses moving foreword.

This only dawned on me now, of course after I was with him at the visit, he was vaccinated in Ireland for Tb probably around 1945 when he was born. Would this have a negative effect on his treatment? Make it less effective?

I of course will ask his doctor but looking to see if anyone has an answer for me here. ☺️

  1. Hi no the BCG stays confined in the bladder until you release it. It doesn’t go round your body you just have to make sure you wash your hands and use bleach down the toilet. I also had TB vaccination and have just finished my 12th insertion and I’m absolutely fine.
    Definitely put your mind at ease and check with your doctor.

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