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Bleeding again

Well I’m bleeding through the bladder again with blood clots I talk with my doctor he does not seem to be concerned I do not have my surgery until next month. My concern is the bleeding is not stoping at this point, so far I have had to catch myself to remove clots that would not pass. Should I be concern when doctor is not

  1. sorry you are going through this. What surgery are you waiting on? I am not medically trained but I would say if they are the size you can’t pass without assisting to get them out, you should seek medical attention. Try and drink lots of water, this can assist a little to help pass them. Let us know how you get on. Laura, Moderator,

    1. Well I’m waiting on RC surgery remove the bladder but it’s next month and yes I have been drink a lot of water and it has help most of the clots I’ve been about to pass but I’ve had a few I had remove by cat my self

      1. I know it probably seems a long time away but thinks will improve post surgery. I know this is a horrible time and I wishing you as easy a time as is possible until surgery. Laura, Moderator,

    2. I have try talk with my doctor but he did not seem too concerned they gave me all the supplies to cat myself so my next move is head to the er again

      1. Again I am not medically trained but if have what you need to Cat then probably not much else hospital can do. However if you feel the pain and situation is too much to handle , I would go to ER. Laura, Moderator,

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