Hello scubadave, I had chemotherapy for my bowel cancer way back in 2014 and they did warn me that I could be left with peripheral neuropathy. They weren't wrong, I have had it since then. Stiffness in the hands plus it feels like walking on sponges on the soles of my feet, it also stiffens the backs of my calves. I know this sounds alarming but it is something you can live with. It doesn't stop me walking, in fact I try to do at least a mile or two everyday just for exercise..
The point is chemo has done its job as I had no recurrences. Unfortunately it didn't stop me suffering from bladder cancer, I was treated for that with BCG. As tempting as it is to use Dr Google it can be very misleading. Treatments affect patients in different ways so it doesn't mean you will get neuropathy. Communicating with people on these forums are a very good way of receiving information and seeing how others experience their medical follow ups. Either way I hope you are successfully treated, best wishes.