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Curve ball

Hi all -57 male seeing urologist for prostatitis since about 2/23. Had two ultrasounds indicating normal bladder as part of retroperitoneal ultrasounds during this last 5 month process. Yesterday had an appointment for what I thought was going to be a conversation about prostatitis but he said due to blood in urine, urgency to urinate and back pain on one side he was going to order a CT. Questions - USA retro peritoneal ultrasound of any value to diagnose bladder cancer and how fast does this cancer spread. Concerned that the 5 months he was focused on prostatitis May have given bladder cancer an insurmountable head start. Thanks for any thoughts - Tom

  1. Hi I wanted to follow up on your post. Did you get the CT? I was curious if you had a chance to speak with the doctor about the questions you had? We are here for you. Jill, team

    1. Hi Jill - Thanks for asking. Yes, I had the CT scan with and w/o contrast and bladder was normal. There was a large kidney stone in my ureter which had been moving and was near the bladder which explains the bleeding and back pain. Thanks again for taking the time to follow up!

      1. I am glad to hear that! You must be relieved. Jill, team

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