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Decisions about treatment

Very glad to find this forum. I’m 71 and have T2 invasive bladder cancer. I’m starting chemo treatments April 13. Yesterday I had a phone visit with the oncology doctor who told me my pet scan was negative showing no cancer in my body or bladder however we know there is cancer in my bladder. The treatment recommended for me is four rounds of chemo using four drugs over seven hours. Following that will be surgery to remove the bladder, prostate and lymph nodes. If the scan shows nothing and I go through the chemo treatments my question is should I go through the radical surgery?

  1. Hi. Welcome. I am not medically trained so can't comment specifically. That is strange that no cancer showed up as from my personal experience of PET scan cancerous cells, show up in various colours of yellow depending on size etc. Perhaps you could ask your oncology doctor to explain it a bit more. Laura, Moderator, Bladder

    1. The oncology doctor told me it not uncommon for nothing to show on the scan but I’m skeptical and nervous about the upcoming chemo sessions plus the surgery following. If nothing shows up maybe I should wait on the surgery. Thanks for helping.

      1. ah ok. I wasn’t aware of that. My PET scan was used to plan where the cancer was and how many lymph nodes to remove along with my bladder. I would definitely recommend you question anything which doesn’t seem clear to you. Wishing you well. Laura, Moderator,

      2. @Smitty97 - I agree with the other comments. In my humble opinion as a non medical person, your treatment and radical surgery is a big step so it is important that you know and understand all of the reasons for this treatment for you. My best Linda ( moderator, team member)

    2. @Smitty97, I strongly advocate asking doctors to explain themselves. You should ask him why he recommends such a radical course of treatment after a negative PET scan. I hope you get the assurance you need moving forward. ~Jacqueline, Moderator,

      1. @Smitty97 - I also am not medically trained but might suggest considering a 2nd opinion just to ease your mind. Were you told originally that you have T2 or was that yesterday? And has that staging changed after your diagnosis? Have you had a TURBT? I would ask any and all questions that can provide the information that you need and to ease your mind. Please keep us updated as we are always here to support you. My best Linda ( moderator, team member)

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