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Diagnosed with bladder cancer 3 months ago

Doctor wants to start chemo so what can I expect?

  1. Hi ,

    I'm sharing some articles written by people who have had chemo. There you might find some helpful perspectives from people who have been through it! I also hope others will chime in here with their personal experiences.
    -Here's What Chemo Feels Like:
    -Chemo for Stage 2 Cancer:
    -Instravesical Chemotherapy:
    -5 Chemotherapy Care Tips:

    Also, since you mentioned you've just been diagnosed, I'm sharing a special section has lots of information for newly diagnosed:

    When do you start chemo? Let us know how it's going.

    -Sarah ( Team Member)

    1. Don't know when I start chemo. The doctor that scrapped inside the bladder never mentioned anything about chemo. He never did any of the other test, just used the old cat scan. I seen a different doctor at Wake Forest yesterday and he wants me started on chemo as quick as possible.

      1. Well I still haven't heard from the Chemo Doctor, my test results showed a lymph node swollen at my bladder.

      2. Thanks for the update , I do hope you hear from the chemo doctor soon. I hope you had a nice holiday! -Sarah ( Team Member)

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