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Fish test positive, cytoscopy clear

I had my routine cytoscopy done and he didn't see anything. Then a ct urogram came back clear too. But the fish cytology test is positive. What is going on?

  1. Hi I can understand why you would be concerned and confused. We are not medical professionals, so this would be a great question for your doctor. In the meantime, I did find this article, I hope it is helpful: Please keep us posted on what your medical team says and any next steps. Jill, team

    1. Thanks Jill, I'm going into the hospital the next Tuesday and they will put me under general anesthesia to do bladder and urothelial washings and do random biopsies of my bladder. The positive FISH test means cancer but they aren't finding it. I don't know if this is ominous or not. I've been clear for 4yrs and 2 mo.

      1. I am sure this is very upsetting for you. I am glad you have an upcoming appointment. Sending you lot of strength. Please keep us posted. Jill, team

    2. Result is CIS... Now I'm wondering if I should just go get an RC instead of bothering with the BCG treatment. I understand BCG treatment fails often and by the time they notice it's too late.

      1. thank you for keeping us updated. While I hope our community members will respond here with their personal experiences with this, I wanted to send you over these articles about one of our advocates who experienced a similar decision:, and I really hope this is helpful for you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill (team member)

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