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Gross haematuria

I am awaiting tests and have had gross haematuria twice in 10 days , once while I was home and once after the gym which was an hour before my Docs appointment . After dipping my urine the doc immediately has sent me for a fast-track two week referral . My worry is if I have bladder cancer then it will be high grade as it seems that if Haematuria is bright red and there was lots of it then surely tumors are larger and maybe are spreading. I almost feel the need to just go to the hospital as to me this is an emergency. On top of that my Docs did not put my emergency referral in for three days as the medical secretary was off , surely this could have been delegated. Can any one else tell me if they had lots of very red blood in urine but still inly were diagnosed with early stage bladder cancer . Thanks, phil

  1. Hi I can understand why you would be concerned. Did the doctor tell you when you would hear the results? I know this is very nerve racking. You could always call your doctor as they should have someone on call at all hours to discuss how you are feeling and next steps. My heart goes out to you Phil. If it helps, I did find an article from one of our advocates who had blood in her urine, her story is here:

    When bladder cancer is at an early stage, it can cause blood in the urine but it might not cause any other symptoms, such as pain, burning, or other urinary symptoms. I am sending you over more information about this: Please let us know how you are doing. We are thinking about you. Jill team

    1. Thankyou so much for that

      1. If there is one thing I have learned. Take one day at a time. Easy for me to say don't worry, concern is OK. Sometimes hematuria causes are never found. That happened to my wife and another friend's wife about 30 years ago. Even with a retro grade pyelogram scan (which roto reads up into the kidneys). Sometimes it is an infection. Sometimes it is caused by vigorous exercise. Sometimes it is cancer. The good news is you are on the way to attacking whatever is the cause.

    2. If there is one thing I have learned. Take one day at a time. Easy for me to say don't worry, concern is OK. Sometimes hematuria causes are never found. That happened to my wife and another friend's wife about 30 years ago. Even with a retro grade pyelogram scan (which roto reads up into the kidneys). Sometimes it is an infection. Sometimes it is caused by vigorous exercise. Sometimes it is cancer. The good news is you are on the way to attacking whatever is the cause.

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