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Having a cystoscopy tomorrow and shakin lie a leaf

stroke survivor, taking xerelto and have blood in my urine . Urologist says if he sees somthing it would be small and he would just scrape it off. looked at catscans and they did not show anything in his opinion.
Why cant i calm down. Dont want another stroke

  1. @Mamie12- I think it is very normal to feel anxiety when you do not know what the outcome may be. We have all been there and know what you are going through. It sounds like you are in good hands and I think having the cystoscopy is a good idea and will hopefully provide more information and to relax a bit. I am not a medical professional but believe that your urologist is trying to make sure that there is nothing to be concerned about and reassuring you that should something small be found, he or she will remove it. Try to not dwell on what might be but that you have a medical team that is looking out for you and will continue to do so. You will get through this and we are here to help you do that. Please keep us updated. Sending hugs and prayers you way. Linda Urbanski (moderaor, team member)

    1. how did your scope go? Laura, Moderator,

      1. Everthing is ok, and it was over quickly. Thank you all for your concern. Heart doctor today but no obvious issues with the stroke. Maybe a little weakness on left side , but i was a lucky girl

        1. thanks so much for updating us, we were thinking of you. Glad it went well. Take it easy. Laura, Moderator,

        2. @Mamie12 - great news that everything is fine and over quickly. You are lucky and I am so happy that your doctor had good news. My best to you. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

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