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Lidocaine Gel and BCG

Have any of you been prepped with lidocaine gel before the catheter was placed for BCG administration? Not sure if that is ok as I was traumatized after first treatment last week without any numbing agent.

  1. i am not medically trained nor do I have any person experience to share. Hopefully others will chime in here. I would say to be sure, I would ask your medical team for advice. Someone where shares their experience of its use before a scope Laura, Moderator,

    1. - I do not have personal experience with this treatment but have heard that a gel can be used and also a smaller catheter may also help out. I hope that your next treatment goes a lot better and suggest that you discuss options to reduce significantly or eliminate your pain as that only adds to the stress. Keep us updated. My best to you. LInda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

  2. Hello Richard, I have only ever been given numbing gel prior to a cystoscopy, never before BCG treatment. I see no harm in asking for it before having the immunotherapy treatment if it makes you feel comfortable.

    1. thanks for replying with your experience. I agree, definitely worth being discussed with the medical team. Laura, Moderator,

  3. Richard, I went through a total of 8 BCG treatments between last year and early this year. Each and every time I was given lidocaine before the catherer was inserted. I remember holding the BCG in for at least 1 1/2 hours and then the first stream of pee to come out was a bit gel-like. In my case, BCG was stopped because it didn't work and I ended up having a RC in March.

    1. thanks so much for openly sharing your experience. How are you today? Laura, Moderator,

  4. Thanks Jose and everyone that responded.
    Much appreciated!

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