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Reactive Arthritis following BCG treatment

Hello everyone, hope its OK joining in from the UK! just wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced excruciating bilateral knee pain following BCG. I've self-diagnosed really as appointments are not easy to get here with our health service! All evidence online seems to confirm that a small few do in fact suffer with this. I can hardly walk as it's affecting both knees. Any information on how to manage this is most welcome, thank you in advance for any help or advice you may be able to give. Kevin (Nottinghamshire UK)

  1. I am too in the UK and have had recent problems with muscle pain extending into my left buttock. Whether it's got anything to do with the BCG I'm not sure because I stopped my treatment in 2021. Could just be an age thing.

    1. otherwise I hope you are doing well. Laura, Moderator,

  2. @lilyrosejazz123 - I did not have BCG and therefore cannot comment on the side effect from personal experience but have head that some to have reactive arthritis that accompanies this treatment. I hope that it goes away or is easily resolved. I am sorry that is it can be difficult to see a health professional in your area and hope that you are able to find relief soon. Here is a post and comments from someone who experienced this. Keep us posted on how you are doing. My best to you. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. HI, thanks for your reply and the link regarding reactive arthritis. I have an appt soon with a physio so am hopeful they will be able to offer me some relief...

    2. @lilyrosejazz123 - you are very welcome. I am sorry that you are not able to easily make doctors appointments with your GP. Hope that you are able to get some resolution for the pain and that it is temporary. Keep us updated on how you are doing. My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

  3. hi from Scotland. Everyone is welcome here. I know how hard it is currently to get a GP appointment. Will you see your urologist again soon? You may find this article on the topic useful. I don’t have any personal experience as went straight to surgery. How far through your BCG treatment are you? Laura, Moderator,

    1. Hi. Glad to hear the treatment is behind you and hopefully you get your scope appointment soon. I am not medically trained but I have heard that too about treatments - if they cause a known side effect then it is doing what is should where it should to. I am good thank you. I am 5.5 years post surgery for bladder cancer and currently cancer free. Post any time and ask any questions you may have. There is a wealth of knowledge on here form so many different people with their own unique experiences. Laura, Moderator,

    2. @lilyrose123 - congrats on finishing the BCG. I know that everyone has different side effects so I hope that the RA is temporary and that your treatments were successful. My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

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