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Weight Management During Recovery

I have been thin my entire life. No, that is not a brag. It is just a fact of my life. I am often told how lucky I am. It happened just before my latest diagnosis over a month ago. And yet, I didn't suspect a thing, even when I stepped onto the scale prior to the cystoscopy and my weight registered 119lbs.

All through high school, I weighed 120lbs, unless I was sick. All through my adulthood, I have weighed 128-132lbs., but would easily lose 5lbs. during an illness. I was surprised, and yet, it did not raise any serious flags before the procedure. Although, I had been depressed and anxious, especially AFTER the pandemic experience, I felt I was handling it functionally.

Now, several weeks into the post-surgery process, my appetite has not fully returned. However, I make a point to eat proteins and vegetables. I perform rebounding, light strength exercise, and walking to stay active. Perhaps, depression and anxiety continue to be the link to my poor appetite. But I am curious to know what others might be experiencing.

Does anyone struggle with maintaining healthy weight while recovering from surgery and treatment for NMIBC and waiting for the next 3-month follow-up?

  1. JBrown62 When you speak of surgery are you referring to a TURBT or RC? I did not have problems with appetite with the TURBTS that I had but certainly did following RC. I had lost weight prior to the surgery due to medications that took away my appetite. Following RC I had the same thing. I took a while to get my appetite back and I have not had any issues since that time. My best to you Linda ( moderator, ream member

    1. Thank you, Linda! By surgery, I'm referring to any treatment experience someone might have to remove bladder cancer, while waiting for the next check up.

      1. JBrown62 - Personally I lost a considerable amount of weight due to meds for bladder spasms, etc that took my appetite away. I lost 38 pounds in a matter of a few months due to lack of appetite. Nothing tasted good so I did not eat as I normally did. Following RC I did regain some weight and am back to a good weight now that I work to maintain as I was about 20# more than I should have been before BC. Personally the stress of treatments, testing, surgeries impacted my appetite and therefore my weight. My best, Linda (moderator, team member)

    2. Thank you for sharing your experience!

      1. Thank you for being here for the rest of us, Liz! Stay on the rode to wellness! I am hoping and praying the best for you.

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