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A group of people link arms, National Cancer Survivors Day, NCSD

Honoring All Who Have Been Touched by Cancer

On National Cancer Survivors Day, observed each year on the first Sunday in June, we honor and celebrate anyone whose life has been changed by a cancer diagnosis. We stand together and recognize those who have been diagnosed, those in treatment or who have completed cancer treatment, and those who have passed away. We also say thank you to our caregivers and loved ones who provide support along the way.

No two cancer experiences are identical. From different types of cancer to treatment choices to symptoms and side effects, cancer experiences can vary widely from person to person. Even the words that we use to describe ourselves and our cancer experiences can be different. So, this year for National Cancer Survivors Day, we want to recognize everyone who has been touched by cancer, not only those who consider themselves "survivors."

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Many meanings of the word survivor

Sometimes, people use the word survivor to refer to someone who has completed cancer treatment. Other people use the word to describe anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer, no matter where they are in their cancer journey. The American Cancer Society states that the word survivor “can have different meanings when applied to people with cancer and considers a cancer survivor to be anyone who describes himself or herself this way, from diagnosis throughout the rest of his or her life.”1

For some, words like thriver, metavivor, person living with cancer, or warrior might be a better fit. No matter what term or wording you prefer, we are all still united in this club that no one wanted to join.

Support through community

Cancer patients and their loved ones face challenges day in and day out before, during, and after treatment. Knowing you are not alone and having a place to share questions, share frustrations, and celebrate can make an incredible difference. To this end, we want to remind you about all the support our community offers. We are stronger together.

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