Histology results came back with cancer in one lymph node
After 9 months of battling through the diagnosis of high-grade muscle invasive bladder cancer, we found out the tumour couldn’t all be removed and the pain was unbearable. The chemotherapy was a challenge. I had 2 hospital stays due to a UTI, sepsis and pneumonia. The radical cystectomy (RC) was as I thought the final climb and living with a stoma was better than not surviving was my mindset.
Cancer.. again?
Yesterday we were blown away because my consultant told us out of the 12 lymph nodes sent to histology from my surgery one of my lymph nodes had cancer cells in it. Remember the day you were told you had cancer?! I was back there again. I was so sure I was going to get better news and cancer has yet again turned my life upside down.
Now we wait...
Now we wait for the scans and the results all over again. My consultant saved my life with the RC so I thought.
They can’t say if it traveled to other lymph nodes so the waiting game begins all over again.
Has anyone else had these results after a Radical Cystectomy?
This is my story.
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