Enduring Six Bladder Surgeries

I cried all night long. Could not go to the bathroom. Next morning was seeing a new doctor. One drop of blood and that was it. She sent me 38 miles away to see a specialist. I did not have a car. A friend took me. The specialist told me he was going to do surgery at 6 AM and was going to admit me. Told him I could not because I had a dog at home that bit everyone else and had to call someone to get her.

Enduring my surgeries and treatment

First of many surgeries, BCG for months. Last surgery, I was back up there bad effects. They gave me sulfur which I am allergic too. They also gave me suppositories for bladder spasms. Opioids and something else. I did one on that Wednesday and I could not even drive my sister to the airport for her flight back home.

How I am today

After all my treatments, my sister sent me a ticket to California for a visit. As of today I am in remission.

How was your recovery from surgery?

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