Life’s a Journey of Lessons and Adventures...

The folks in my circle don’t believe that I have a cancer. To them, prostate, breast, and other similar cancers are REAL cancers. I smile and let it go. Early intervention is a good thing.

Blood in urine abnormally high

I have blood tests every three months and for the past 12 years, my urine blood has been 100-150+; always abnormally high. My GP never suggested additional tests. The one time I saw a fill-in GP, he was alarmed that no additional tests had been done and referred me to a urologist.

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After a CT scan and cystoscopy, it was determined that all was good. I returned in a year for a follow-up cystoscopy, again all good. The third one a year later led me to my first TURBT procedure.

More TURBTs and scans

The biopsy showed a low level of malignancy and the growth was only in the lining. The first follow-up cystoscopy three months later sent me to a second TURBT procedure with the same biopsy results. The three-month follow-up from that showed no growth. However, I still have an abnormally high count of urine blood. I have a CT scan of the kidneys and abdomen in a couple of days. Maybe it will be telling. Next cystoscopy is early December.

In 64 years, I had never had a UTI and have had the joy of having two since the first TURBT.

Did you experience blood in urine?

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