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Anxious about bladder cancer.

Hello everyone,
I am 45 years old male, being a smoker for most of my adult life but I quit 5 weeks ago when my GP found some microhematuria in my urine.
The same has been confirmed in the last 4 weeks.
Since that day I have developped a lot of anxiety.
I went for ultra sound : kidneys and bladder looking good.
I went to hospital, blood is very good but microhematuria was confirmed.
They let me go after 2 hours and told me it is probably not much to be worry about as the trace of blood was very small.
As I had very little sleep and lot of stress the past few weeks I lost 7 kg the past months.
All the doctors told me that bladder cancer is very rare and that I should be OK.
I have an appointment in two months with urologist for a cystoscopy. ( I think two months is a long time to wait and buid up some more anxiety)
My current symptoms are gentle pain in lower back (get worst if I lay on it at night), pressure around the pubic area, penis, groin and testicule gentle pain or pressure (never all together).
I am going tomorrow to another clinic in order to make a cytology and some further checking.
I am super stressed about my situation, I know I may have something not related to bladder cancer, but I am very anxious about the situation.
I know you guys are not doctors, but maybe your experience will come helpful.
Thank you for any tips and feedback.
Kind regards,

  1. - I am not a medical professional but to say that bladder cancer is very rare is in my opinion incorrect. Bladder cancer is the 4th most common cancer in men. I am not trying to frighten you at all but any blood in the urine needs to be looked at very closely. I am happy to hear that you will be having a cystoscopy with a urologist so that is good. I suggest not getting to stressed out because as we know, that does not help even though we all do it. I would watch for the hematuria and keep track of the days you have it and when if you have it. I would honestly try to see if you can move up your test as I am sure you will wonder until you have it done and have results. Symptoms vary with this form of cancer so there is not any one size fits all. In the US alone, approximately 83,000 new cases of bladder cancer are found annually. I wish you the best and hope that you have answers sooner rather than later. You are doing what you can and that is all any of us can do. Try not to stress too much and don't spend a lot of time on the internet as it will do not good. A firm diagnosis is needed and I hope you have that soon. My very best to you, Please reach out with any questions and know that we are here to support you always. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. Your response makes makes your medical providers thought that this is a very rare form of cancer if it is in Ireland. Unfortunately it is not the case in the US and other countries. I hope that you are able to see a specialist sooner, Keep us updated and know that we are here to provide support at any time. My best. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    2. DJ Hope - that should say that it makes sense that your providers consider this rare as it is in your country, My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

  2. hi. I am not medically trained but can say that the symptoms could be bladder but could also be something else. It is true, bladder cancer is more common in older people bit younger people get it too. I was 40 years old at diagnosis. It is good your bladder and kidneys have been checked out. I would however push to get the cystoscopy sooner if possible to put your mind at ease. Wishing you well. Let us know how you go. Laura, Moderator,

    1. DJ
      I would not wait 2 months. I would call every other Urologist in your area and try to get in sooner. If for nothing else, your peace of mind. Wish you the best.

      1. I agree this is good advice. Laura, Moderator,

    2. I had my urine tested yesterday, no sign of microhematuria this time. I have done a cytology and will have the result in 2 weeks. Also I have called my urologist and put myself of the waiting list. Regarding my groin symptoms, it could be linked to my anxiety. Let's hope for the best!

      1. Good news. I am happy to hear that you are on a waiting list. I have found with this, or probably any disease, we must advocate for ourselves and do what is needed to receive appointments, testing and treatments as soon as possible. Keep us updated on how things are doing and know that we are here for you and hoping for the best also. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

      2. I am glad you are a little further on. Good luck with the results. Let us know how you go. Hopefully you get to see a urologist soon. Laura, Moderator,

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