Hello everyone,
I am 45 years old male, being a smoker for most of my adult life but I quit 5 weeks ago when my GP found some microhematuria in my urine.
The same has been confirmed in the last 4 weeks.
Since that day I have developped a lot of anxiety.
I went for ultra sound : kidneys and bladder looking good.
I went to hospital, blood is very good but microhematuria was confirmed.
They let me go after 2 hours and told me it is probably not much to be worry about as the trace of blood was very small.
As I had very little sleep and lot of stress the past few weeks I lost 7 kg the past months.
All the doctors told me that bladder cancer is very rare and that I should be OK.
I have an appointment in two months with urologist for a cystoscopy. ( I think two months is a long time to wait and buid up some more anxiety)
My current symptoms are gentle pain in lower back (get worst if I lay on it at night), pressure around the pubic area, penis, groin and testicule gentle pain or pressure (never all together).
I am going tomorrow to another clinic in order to make a cytology and some further checking.
I am super stressed about my situation, I know I may have something not related to bladder cancer, but I am very anxious about the situation.
I know you guys are not doctors, but maybe your experience will come helpful.
Thank you for any tips and feedback.
Kind regards,