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BCG after effects

I have been here before regarding my bladder discomfort and pain. I have suffered daily with my battered bladder. Strangely enough it doesn't actually hurt to pee, more pain on retention. I last had a cystoscopy on 28 Jan this year and there was no sign of any cancer just inflammation on the right wall of my bladder. This was indeed an improvement on the previous scope but it doesn't seem to have helped with my symptoms. I needed to push for help and I'm now having monthly Ialuril instillations to try and repair the bladder lining. I was told by my hospital clinic to visit my GP for pain relief. This I duly did, people in the UK know how difficult that can be to try and get to see your local doctor. However I managed to see one and all she could do was prescribe cocodamol. I personally hate relying on drugs that only mask the underlying problem.
I'm off this afternoon to have one of these top ups at my local hospital, hoping it won't be too much of a painful experience. I'm well aware there are others out there suffering as I do, it can be a lonely experience and there never seems much help out there for us in this condition.

  1. so sorry to hear you are going through all this. Hope everything went this afternoon. It definitely can be a lonely experience but please know as a community, we are here to support you any way we can. Sending positive vibes from Scotland. Please let us know how you get on. Laura, Moderator,

    1. I thank you for responding. It's comforting to know that there are others in this predicament. Hopefully things will eventually improve as my nurse keeps predicting, just a bit of a long trek.

    2. Hi there. Always welcome, happy to support any way I can. How are things for you this week? Laura, Moderator,

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you're suffering so much. It must be hard having to contend with bureaucratic red tape just to get access to health care. It just doesn't seem fair. Mom would often depend on Azo for bladder pain relief, although it dried her out too much. She eventually was prescribed Pyridium, which she used to moderate success. I hope you get relief soon! Feel free to reach out here. We're always waiting to hear from you! Sending my best, Charles (Moderator /

    1. @Jacaranda07 - I hope that you are able to get some relief for your pain. I agree that is can be frustrating when you feel that prescriptions are the only answer and you do not know the reason for the pain. Keep us posted on how you are doing and if a solution has been found. My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    2. hey there! Just wanted to check in with you to see how you are getting along? Any good progress on the pain front? Hoping things have progressed smoothly and that you are doing very well! Have you begun your Ialuril treatments yet? All my best, Charles (Moderator /

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