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From our inbox: What is the status of the BCG shortage?

Any information regarding risk if treatment is delayed due to the shortage?

  1. Great question. According to the American Urological Association (AUA), it sounds that although Merck has increased production, the shortage will continue through 2019. You can read more information from the AUA website here ( We also do have some information about it on our site as well (

    As for risk of treatment delay, this will vary based on the individual, so we encourage you to consult your healthcare team about that. Right now, it sounds like patients who are at high risk are the ones who are receiving the limited quantities of BCG that are available. Has your healthcare team given any advice to you so far? We know this is all deeply disappointing and distressing news. Let us know how you are feeling about the shortage in the comments.

    Take care,
    Sarah ( Team Member)

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