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Bladder removal v radiotherapy/chemotherapy

Goodmorning could I ask if anyone has had thier bladder removed and how did they find the process during and after surgery! My husband may have to have his removed but they did give a second option of radiotherapy and chemotherapy together. He’s stage 3 we found out yesterday that it may have effected the lymph nodes. Many thanks

  1. - Welcome to this group of very supportive survivors and care givers. You will find that many of us on here have had bladder removal and done very well. I had mine at age 63 in 2014. I chose a bag and have not had any issues and moved on with life just fine. I am not a medical professional but know that some doctors recommend RC and other treatments such as chemo along with the surgery. I did not have other treatments with the exception of TURBTs with mitomycin following and I was also stage one, not higher. I had robotic surgery and was home with in 5 days. Recovery included rest due to the fatigue from this long surgery. Walking daily is a must as are eating properly and hydrating to support the healing as well as get the digestive system back on track so to speak. As part of the intestine is used during this surgery that needs to heal also and needs to be given the time to do so. Please note that I am not a medical professional but simply a survivor of this disease sharing my experiences. I wish you husband the best with whatever choice he makes for treatment. Please keep us updated on how both of you are doing. My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. welcome to our community. In my case, bladder removal was the only option. I am 6 years on. The recovery is tough but equally there is a good life to be lived afterwards. These article might be a useful read. and Laura, Moderator,

      1. I hope that your husband is able to determine which treatment he would prefer. If I may ask, has he had other treatments or would this be the first? I hope that whichever the choice is that it is successful. Please keep us updated and know that we are always here to provide support. My best to you both Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    2. Hi husband as started chemotherapy yesterday. The consultant keeps asking if he has decided on surgery over radiotherapy/chemotherapy. Has anyone successfully beat this with radiotherapy/chemotherapy. At the minute he’s finding hard to get his head around surgery 😕

      1. it is definitely a hard and personal decision to make. Everyone has to assess the medical advice given on what has the best outcomes and then read about the different options and speak to others who have chosen the same option and also the alternative. I see others already chiming in here with other experiences. In my case the decision was essentially made for me. Surgery was the only option as my cancer was very advanced. This might be an interesting read about how Phil chose to proceed with an RC. Wishing you both well as you navigate this journey together. Hope Chemo goes ok for your husband. Laura, Moderator,

    3. My heart goes out to your husband and also you as you will be very involved. I am a 72 year old male and had the RC surgery last July. I had four opinions from Mayo, U of M, Karmanos and a local Urologist. All of them recommended a complete RC. His life is about to change, but he can get thru it with prayers and help from family. It is a very emotional and physical challenge. I ended up with a Neo Bladder. It was a very difficult decision and a very long road to recovery. But, here I am a year later and I'm playing golf with my buddies tonight.
      I love this community forum as it is so very beneficial to hear from others going thru this process. I wish you both the best of luck. Believe in the power of prayer.

      1. Thank you for your positive and uplifting comment. I hope you have a great night of golfing!! My best Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

      2. thanks so much for sharing both your hope and positive experience. So glad to hear you are still enjoying golf. I can’t play myself but my husband loves golf and plays often here in our home, in Scotland. Laura, Moderator,

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