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Bladder Treatment Options

I can't find the original post about my journey, so here is a recap. I am currently being treated for low-grade, non-invasive bladder cancer at a Urology clinic. We found tumors on 5/17/2023. I had my first TURBT on 7/28/2023, followed by emergency surgery to stop bleeding on 7/29/2023. I then had six Gemzar (Gemcitabine) treatments. A follow-up cystoscopy showed two new small tumors in the same area. I had my second TURBT on 1/17/2023, followed by six BCG treatments. However, my recent cystoscopy revealed two new tumors, and my next TURBT is to be scheduled.
I asked my doctor how this happened so soon after taking BCG treatments. My doctor said the tumors have to be gone for BCG to be effective. This seems odd to me and contradicts what I have read. As a result, I have been referred to an oncology/hematology group and doctor.
Has anyone else experienced something similar? It makes me think the urologist doesn't know what to do or wants another opinion. I also find that this particular doctor does not communicate in good bedside manner. I would like to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar, and if so, what the outcome was.

  1. Hi I am really glad you are getting a second opinion and are being referred to another group. You deserve to have a good medical team that offers you thorough communication and options. I am sending over an article I found that sounds similar to what you have been going through: Also here is an article about BCG: I hope this is helpful. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill (Team Member)

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