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Elected to get bladder removed

Hi everyone,

I had a prostectomy a couple years ago, only to be followed up by bladder cancer. The tumors started out low grade non invasive for the first two TURBTs, the last two were high grade Ta but still fortunately non invasive. The last TURBT was a month ago and the tumors started to grow into the neck of the urethra. They were going to try BCG, but I elected to have them just get the cancer out by doing a cystectomy.

The only other complication is that the Doctor plans to also remove the urethra. My surgery is in three weeks. Assuming all goes well and they remove everything and it’s still non invasive my doctor says I will not need any chemo or radiation. There will be follow ups with scans every few months.

Has anyone else experienced having to have not only the bladder but also the urethra removed?


  1. Hi I am glad you reached out. I hope our community members respond here with their personal experiences. I was able to find one forum discussion from one of our member's experience, she had some additional complications, but wanted to share in case you were interested: Jill,

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