, I'm glad you joined this group. I found this group after searching for several weeks, I think after my surgery. I was diagnosed in January 2021. I had been having small blood clots in my urine on and off (mostly off) for a year. I think I had maybe 3 UTI's in my life. Suddenly, I starting having bright-red urine every few days. Went to my Dr. and there was no indication of blood when I was there and no indication of a UTI. Cat Scan ordered. Everything looked "normal" according to the results I received on that same day. My Dr. finally told me that he highly suspected bladder cancer. Urologist ordered a cystoscopy and sure enough, T2/HG. The tumor was 3-4cm according to the surgery report, and muscle invasive. I'm still amazed that a scan couldn't see a tumor that large. It was removed and I was then scheduled for a RC/IC. Bladder removed along with my cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes ovaries, lymph nodes, part of my vagina, and who knows what else until I have a long talk with my surgeon. No chemo ordered as they think they got everything after biopsies of all the organs they removed that were touching my bladder. My very best to you and from everything I've read and heard from Drs. the IC seems to have the best outcome in the long-term. I'm still scared every day but family support and this site are invaluable. Just don't let your family tell you what to do!!!! You can do this.....