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I am scheduled to get my ROBOTIC ASSISTED LAPAROSCOPIC RADICAL CYSTECTOMY in two more days. (2/15/23) I am absolutely terrified!!!

I have been through so much already. I have had 16 surgeries, removing cancerous tumors from my bladder, kidney, and bladder stints.

Last year I had 8 UTI's and I was hospitalized for 5 of them for days. I have had so much pain.

One UTI was so bad I was urinating what appeared to be syrup and it hurt so much!

My cancer is gone, although I have been told many times that it could easily come back. It came back 7x. As it stands now, I have stage 3a CKD.

I just got over my 2023 UTI in early February. I have 3 doctors saying I need to get this surgery but I don't want to.

The problem is because of the frequent UTI's I keep damaging my kidneys and because I am on antibiotics all the time, I could become antibiotic resistant and then I am scre@ed and might have to go on dialysis for the rest of my life. So, ya know, there is that.

I am a man. I am 59 and in relatively good health except for the health issues I mentioned early. I read that I am supposed to carry supplies with me at all times. How do I do that? I don't have a purse. Eh, can anyone give me some courage? I tried Oz but he was not at home.

Thank you for taking the time to read my situation

  1. @JarkMann - Trust me when I say that many of us know exactly how you feel. I had my robotic RC/IC in 2014 and it was the best choice I could have made. This cancer can continue to return as you have found out. I was in pretty good health and was home in 5 days and back working in 4 weeks. I am assuming that you are having and IC - a bag - for your diversion. This surgery is not as bad as you have it in your mind. If you have faith in your doctors that is the most important part. It may take a bit of time to get used to the bag and you will have some leaks in the beginning as your body heals and swelling goes down. As for supplies, it is good to have a few at work and in your car at least in the beginning. I am over 8 year post op and have not had a leak in many years. I assume that your doctors have determined that this surgery is the best option for you. You will get through this and look back later and say that it was not that bad. You will be walking and slowly getting back to being active. Trust me as I have been there. I am 72, am pretty active and have not let this bag bother me at all - ever. I have a tip sheet that outlines much of this and hopefully will provide more encouragement. If you are interest, please message me though this site with an email address and I will get it to you asap. Ask anything you wish as we have been where you are. My best to you. Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

    1. you certainly have been through so much. As much as the surgery may seem unwanted or daunting, you really can live a good life afterwards. I am sure the medical team are recommending it with the aim to help take away some of the issues you are having. Here is a link to a featured article on urinary diversions which you may find helpful. I know other males sometimes carry a small day sack. Others just put what they might need in a jacket pocket and keep extras in a car and at work in case they are needed. Wishing you well with your surgery. Take care. We are here to support you any way we can. Laura, Moderator,

      1. @JarkMann - Wishing you well with your surgery today. Please let us know you are doing when you feel up to it. Once the anxiety of the surgery is over, the recovery tends to seem easier. Keep walking and well hydrated and know that we are here for you at any time . Wishing you an easy recovery and successful surgery. My best to you. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

        1. - How are you doing? I hope that your surgery went well and your recovery is uneventful. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. My best Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

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