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Terrified is an understatement.

Hello all. I have symptoms of a UTI including blood in my urine. I went to the ER because I havent. even able to sleep googling what all my symptoms could be. I had labs, pelvic exam, ct scan and ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder. The ER physician is treating me for a UTI and my urinalysis only shows "few" next to bacteria. I'm absolutely terrified I have bladder cancer. I follow up with my regular physician Wednesday who is referring me to a Urologist. Please has anyone heard of these symptoms being something other than BC.

  1. @Laaura2776 - we are not medical professionals and cannot therefore dispense medical advice but in my opinion you are doing the correct things with your symptoms. Blood in your urine is something that should at least be checked out. Hopefully your PCP can get you into a urologist soon and you will have answers. Take a breathe and try to not let your mind go in all of the negative directions. Do not spend all of your time researching what it may or may not be as that will just drive you crazy. Push for a good urologist appointment as soon as possible to get the answers you need. Sending good thoughts that things go well for you. Please keep us posted. Linda ( moderator, team member)

    1. Hi Laura,
      I want to echo Linda's advice - as difficult as it may be, try to take a step back and breathe. You are doing all of the right things by elevating your symptoms to your doctor's attention. Please let us know how you make out! Sending love, Amanda ( Team Member)

      1. Hey , I wanted to check in. How are things? have you been able to get any answers? - Jada ( team member)

        1. just reaching out to see how you are doing. Hoping you got to see a urologist and got some answers. Here at the community we are behind you to support where we can. Laura, Moderator

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