I am one week past surgery to remove my bladder and create a neo. The experience has been MUCH LESS impactful thus far than I would ever have thought. While the neo is healing I am sporting two urine collection bags -- one typical urethral cath which is producing very little urine, and a 2nd bag fed by two tiny stents plugged into the kidneys which is temporarily glued to my abdomen. I came out of the 4 hour surgery with a pain level 4-5 and taking tylenol and oxy, but the 2nd day I was at pain level 1 and taking only tylenol. From day 3 to dismissal on day 6, I had zero pain - just minor discomfort from the incision. Bowels were awake by day 4 and I've been on a normal diet since day 5.
I've not seen the pathology report yet, so I won't speculate on the prognosis but I feel fine and am looking forward to getting back to normal activities. Bottom line -- RC with neobladder was EASY surgery, and I give full credit to my surgeon and the great hospital team at Univ Tex SW in Dallas.