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UTI in ileal Conduit

My mom underwent RC three months she is suffering from to prevent uti in urostomy

  1. Sowbarnika - it is common for some to have UTI's both prior to surgery and after. Keeping well hydrated - drinking plenty of water is a good start to trying to avoid UTI's. Some people are just prone to them also. I suggest asking her doctor also how to best prevent these. My best to you both. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. hi. I had so many UTIs over many periods over the years from childhood to adulthood. Actually my rarer form of bladder cancer (squamous cell carcinoma), was caused by the damage done by these repeated infections. Touch wood, I haven’t had one since I had my urostomy. A few tips would be to keep an eye on urine colour, if it is darker than straw color, then anyone with a urostomy or not is dehydrated and should drink more fluids. It is is especially important in hot weather. You may find these articles a useful read Laura, Moderator,

      1. - Keeping well hydrated is important naturally and even more important post RC. Has your mother been provided with treatment for her UTI and is it getting better? I suggest that she relay her concerns to her doctor for other suggestions on prevention. I think that some people just tend to get them more. I also have read that some use cranberry juice or cranberry pills for prevention also. I would discuss the possible value of these options with her doctor also. Keep us updated on how she is doing. My best to you both. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

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