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The only problem I had pre my first TURBT was painless bleeding. This time I've had 2 rounds of antibiotics specific for a bladder infection and a anti-spasm med called Uribel. My procedure has been put off due to the anesthesia team unable to get a IV access, even under Doppler that infiltrated. This has added an extra 3 weeks wait til the, urologist coming back from vacation and since procedure was scheduled on a late Friday evening, interventional radiology had left. Warning: Never schedule any surgery, etc., on a Friday. Now I have to go in on a Friday for PICC plc but have the TURBT on Monday. Being retired NP I am highly pissed and would have changed doctor and hospital if the time could have been less than staying put. Anyone had such a experience? Also I did have Gemcitibene, six in graves ocular after first TURBT. Now I have to wear bladder protection when I'm home or about. A lot of pain when it discharges. Sorry about being long winded, tks for any responses

  1. @Communitymember241 - Sorry to hear that you are having so many issues having your TURBT. I have very small veins and it can be painful to have an IV or blood work. I hydrate very well now before testing. Hope that you get it scheduled soon. Keep us updated on how you are doing. My best Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

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