@Angela - I had my bladder out at age 63 and was in good health and fairly good physical condition at the time. I have been cancer free for 7b years now. I chose a bag - my choice- and did very well. I was home 5 days later, yet very tired for a few weeks. I did start a new desk job 4 weeks post op for a few reasons. For that I am very grateful because it allowed me to focus on other things which can certainly help reduce the stress of surgery. I have a tip sheet that I share mainly for those who choose the bag but others find it useful and are certainly welcome to it also. Feel free to ask any questions as I am sure someone on here can provide an answer from personal experience. Ask away and know that we are here for your support. Feel free to message me for the tip sheet but take the time to decide which diversion you feel best fits your lifestyle. The bag works great for me but that is me. Make sure whichever you choose that your surgeon is well versed in that diversion but most of all, make sure the decision is yours and what you want. Last but not least, I am the co-chair of the North Carolina Bladder cancer retreat which is Sept 23 - 26th. If you would like to meet others who have had RC please consider joining us. I do not know how close that is to you, but we would love to have you if interested. My best to you. Linda ( moderator, Bladdercancer.net team member)