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Diabetes Drugs that "may" increase your risk of BC


I was diagnosed with t1hg bc in November. I've had my two TURs and a 6 week round of bcg that I finished the beginning of March. I'll be going in for a scope next week.

I've had diabetes for about 20 years and I've been trying to narrow down possible causes as I don't really have other risk factors...don't smoke, wasn't exposed to chemicals that I know of, no family history of bc. Ive started using filtered water (I've always been a big water drinker...not big on sodas and alcohol), I stopped using my Kuerig and switched to a French press to avoid the heated plastic of the k cups, and I'm making some dietary changes (but damn I love me some processed meat😕). I started researching diabetes drugs I'd been taking and I found that one of them, synjardy which I started taking about two years ago, is believed to increase the risk of bc.

I was wondering if anyone might have a list of diabetes drugs that don't do this...or at least aren't known to. It appears that a good many of them do.


  1. @CommunityMember80af42 - I am in the same "category" as you. I had no risk factors, no one in my family has been diagnosed with cancer and my parents were in their 90's when they passed away. I did grow up in a era of smoking everywhere so 2nd hand smoke was around but that was decades prior to my diagnosis in 2014. I do not know if it was just bad luck but am just moving forward as I probably will never know why I was impacted. I am not a medical professional but do read on occasion that some medications may increase the cancer risks. I hope that your treatments are successful. Keep us updated and wishing you well Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

    1. @CommunityMember80af2 - I apologize for not answering your question about diabetic medications but I do not have any medical experience with this. I suggest taking this concern to your doctors and see what the thoughts are. I hope that you are able to find a medication that meets your needs. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

  2. I am not medically trained but like Linda, I didn't have any of the most common risk factors. Sometimes unfortunately for what I have read medically and of the experience of others, some times there just isn't the answer to why any one person gets bladder cancer in some cases. Good luck with your scope and let us know how you go. Laura, Moderator,

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