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First ejaculation after TURBT

(This is probably mostly a guy thing) 10 days after TURBT of low grade non invasive tumor, nature is starting to call in the area of masturbation and ejaculation. I'm single now. Should I expect some pain? I'm fine waiting, I've just been experiencing some rumbling down there tho I had a terrible catheter insertion experience-- had to go to ER-- the morning after the surgery (urinary retention caused by some sort of blockage). No anesthetic before the insertion! They didn't ask!-- I screamed at the top of my lungs for a good 10 seconds, THEN they gave me morphine and valium. Hard to understand all that, but after 10 days passed I feel pretty normal again. But I'm wondering if it's ok to try out things again. Anyone out there with experience in this matter. feedback greatly appreciated.

  1. hey. As a woman I have no experience to share personally. Hoping some of guys on here will chime in here to provide some support. Laura, Moderator,

    1. Turbt surgery should have been under general anesthesia. Even then it is uncomfortable when you awaken. Cystoscopy should be with Glydocaine numbing lubricant. You must require it to be put in, then wait 10 minutes before going in. I would look for another doc. After recovery, all body functions should work as before.

      1. @basil WOW! Now this is the kind of article I love reading! A real, honest conversation about life in the midst of this unwelcome battle. You are such an inspiration and asset to the community. I am tempted to ask how your situation went? Did you find ejaculation to be painful after your procedures? I also agree that cystoscopies should be done with a stronger anesthetic. My Mom was no fan of the cystoscopy procedure and how uncomfortable it was. I think she was just very invested in getting well and was willing to go through anything to save her bladder and her life. Bravo for your brave, real post and I look forward to hearing how you are getting along!

        All my best, Charles (Moderator /

      2. Hi Charles-- it was in fact no problem. I feel very grateful -- so far-- my bladder cancer has not affected that pleasant part of life. and I am duly more appreciative. altho now it seems a new problem has cropped up. how many out there have had a bout with kidney stones or UTI after TURBT surgery? It's been 3 weeks since my surgery but just this morning I got a strong aching feeling in my kidney area (sometimes) WHILE urinating, but then later AFTER urinating. I mean to say, just after the stream stops flowing I get a rather painful ( a dull aching pain) grabbing sensation just above my hip on the right side. I fear a stone is in there somewhere getting ready to drop or else it's just an infection. I hope the latter since I'm told antibiotics can clear it up, whereas in the former case is it such that you simply have to wait it out, wait for it to pass, which cd take weeks (??). I thought I was over the pain hump, but, no, apparently pain may be in the offing again. Is there a way to get ready for the pain when, as they say, the stone decides to drop. I'm hoping I'm lucky enough to be at least a little medicated when that happens.

    2. I'm a 2-time fighter and survivor with 5 TURBT's under my belt (pun intended!). Both times, non-invavsive high grade cancer. 1st and subsequent ejaculations was not an issue so feel free (another pun!) to carry on!

      1. great positive and motivational post. How are you getting on now? Laura, Moderator,

    3. The only anesthetic would have been in the lubricant. My urologist did a cystoscopy after a nurse administered Glydocaine, but he basically jammed the scope past my prostate without any attempt to ease it thru. I have had subsequent scopes by 2 different Dr's and it was a totally pain-free experience. I won't be letting the urologist touch me again!

      1. Sorry to hear your initial experience was so unpleasant but glad you confidence was restored with further scopes under other urologists. Hope today finds you well. Laura, Moderator,

      2. @WesternGuy - I am happy that you found doctors who were more caring and gentle with you. We harbor enough stress and fear with this disease that we do not need to also fear the tests that we need. Possibly medical professionals should become more aware of these procedures and how they can make them more comfortable and less stressful for patients versus just getting the job done quickly. My best to you. Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

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