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Newly diagnosed, Non Invasive Low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma

On 7/28/22 my current urologist did my 1st cystoscopy where they found a 1.5cm tumor. On 8/5 he did my 2nd cystoscopy where they did a biopsy and fulguration. Side note- during the 2nd one, they had at one point issues with the machine that creates fluid flow that I believe keeps the area clear so the doctor can see precisely, kinda freaked me out. On 8/16 the biopsy report stated I had “non-invasive low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma”. My current doctor wants to do a TURBT. Couple things I could use some feedback on: 1) he stated he would cut the timer out and also part of the muscle- that concerns me as wouldn’t that create an open muscle area for possible future tumors to get to easily and 2) he said given the biopsy feedback, it’s no hurry to do this and will schedule fir about 10/15. If this timing is ok for my health, I’m ok with the date as I was going to be traveling from 8/26 to 10/4.

Next thing, my 2nd opinion urologist, said he recommends a wait n monitor approach given the biopsy report, doing a cystoscopy in 3 months, if clear another in 6, then 9… I liked this doctor, great communicator highly rated and is at banner md Anderson. As a side note, if I determine I want the TURBT, I would ask the new doctor to do.

All feedback is greatly appreciated as I need to make a decision soon. Thank you!

  1. hi. I don’t have any personal experience to share but this might help seeing one person’s perspective. Laura, Moderator,

  2. @aldersrw - I am not a medical professional and therefore cannot provide medical advice. The TURBT may be suggested to see if any new tumors have appeared and remove them then along with the current low grade one.. It is a more extensive procedure than the cysto and is frequently done after a cystoscopy. Also, after my TURBTs I was given Mitomycin into my bladder . It may be that the TURBT is the best way to remove the tumor and to see if it has gotten larger or any others have appeared. Bladder cancer is a cancer that should be closely monitored as the stage and grade can change on a dime and suddenly you are in a whole new ball game. One thing that I am a bit confused about in your post - the first opinion is to do a TURBT and remove the tumor and the second is to do a cysto and not remove the tumor but watch it with a cysto every 3 months? Possibly I am reading this incorrectly. My best to you. Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

    1. Thank you Laura!

      1. Linda. My second opinion urologist is focused on and trusting the biopsy pathology report which stated it is “non-invasive”. He firmly believes at this time it is a monitor situation; cystoscopy in 3 months. He must be thinking because it’s just on the surface, it’s low grade, that at this time it does not require a TURBT. That’s my dilemma as my current doctor wants to do it but I am unclear on the previous noted points with this doctor. Appreciate all your feedback

        1. it might be worth asking the doctor who wants to monitor and do the scope, the reasons for not doing a TURBT at this time. This might help to clarify things and help reassure you this is the best current course of action. Laura, Moderator,

        2. @aldersrw - I think that having a cysto in 3 months is certainly a good idea to see what how things look. I did not have a biopsy with my cystoscopy but that was done when I had a TURBT. Hopefully your cysto in 3 months will show low grade with no changes. Your current doctor may want to do a TURBT to rule out anything else. Keep us updated on how things go. My best Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

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