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After TURBT three times, first time was stage 0 but malignant. Second and third were described as inflamation, benign.

So how do I stop the inflamation and get past this? Anyone with this experience?

  1. Thanks. I imagine others have been relieved after surgery to not have malignant cancer, but want to avoid this operation in the future by reducing inflamation in the bladder which is precancer.

    1. - We are not medical professionals and not able to provide such information but possibly your medical team could suggest causes of this inflammation. There may be multiple reasons and hopefully you are able to determine the cause soon. My best to you. Linda ( Moderator, team member)

      1. Hi , so happy to hear that your tests have been coming back benign! That's a huge milestone! Hmm. Inflammation is a tricky one. What has your doctor recommended so far? Also, have you considered/ do you have access to other specialists such as a nutritionist? While others join with their experiences, i'd recommend searching the word inflammation on the site. I think this could worth the read also.

        - Jada ( team member)

        1. - I am so happy to hear that your results are good. I hope that your doctors are able to provide some suggestions or reasons for your irritation. In my opinion, it might be of value to also look into what you are eating. I know that I was put on a strict and very bland diet at one time. I have no medical experience and cannot provide medical advice but it may be of value to add a question about diet to your list for your doctors. My best to you. Linda ( moderator, team member)

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