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I'm 81 years old in reasonable shape. I'm having open radical cystectomy on Friday morning. My Uro surgeon instructed me to avoid all foods and drinks starting mid night before the surgery. The hospital gave me a protein drink to have 2 hours before the surgery, that is confusing. Also, I know I'll be in a hospital gown prior to surgery but I have major leaking going on, how do I deal with this?

  1. @old64horn - I cannot answer as to the protein drink prior to surgery as I am used to nothing after midnight. I had open RC/IC in 2014 and was incontinent at the time. I am not a medical professional but assume that your doctors know that some of us come in to the op room that way. I assume that they will have a pad underneath you prior to surgery or allow you to have an adult diaper on if needed. Just know that once you are on the Op table they will take care of things. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Good luck with your surgery!! Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

    1. I had in my mind you had robotic surgery and hence you got home so quickly. Well done in getting gone so quickly with open surgery. Hope you are well. Laura, Moderator,

  2. Thank you Linda, I called the Uro and was told to take drink 2 hours before surgery. It is actually a Carb drink.

    1. I was told to drink a 20 ounce Gatorade 2 hours prior to surgery. I think it helps with hydration to make an IV easier. But, I was also taking other stuff to clean out the proper pipes and forgot to drink Gatorade, I was worried they call off surgery. But here I am no bladder and a bag.

    2. @Old64horn - I am sure that your surgeon has a good reason for you drinking the protein shake prior to surgery. My surgery was in 2014 and I am sure there have been changes in procedures and new techniques that work better. Keep us updated and my best to you. Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

  3. Thanks. The drink is a high carb drink to give me energy and helps with the recovery

    1. definitely wear a pad or brief to surgery. They'll remove it when they're ready. One thing we didn't realize is to bring one extra for the ride home too. You may still have a little leakage after surgery but it goes away after a few days. Don't worry if you forget, they're prepared. They'll be sending you home with bags of supplies. The no food, but drink this protein shake is kind of confusion but it seems to be the new thing they're doing prior to surgeries now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

      1. @Old64horn - I wish you well with your RC today and hope that all goes well. My suggestion is to get the contact information of your stoma nurse and reach out if you have any problems with leaking, skin irritation etc. Have her or him show you how to put on the wafer and bag and practice while they are there. I had very few issues during recovery and the couple times I did we figured it out easily. Keep us posted on how you are doing. It is much easier once the surgery is over. Hugs and prayers coming your way. Linda Urbanski (moderator, team member)

      2. @Laura Mackenzie - Goodness. Sometimes suggestions come up on here while we are writing and I wonder if that happened or ? I have no idea. You are correct. I do not ever recall writing that I had open surgery because yes - I had robotic. I think that having the attitude that I was going to get through it and get on with my life was a big factor in my recovery also. I rarely let things keep me down for long 😀 Thanks for catching that. Linda Urbanski ( moderator, team member)

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