Sometimes Water Just Isn't Enough: ElectrolytesI have always been a hydrating person. Since my college days, at least, it was rare that you did not see me with a water bottle nearby. Even when I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Approaching the Final ScanThe scan, the scope, the test, the X-ray. Each and every one of us on our bladder cancer journey has waited for a test or investigation of some sort. Each...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
My Day at the Spa with Winnie, My StomaSo after writing my last article about how I had lost and was now slowly regaining confidence in my stoma. I decided that it was time to start doing all...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Tips for New Ostomates: What I Wish I KnewAs I write this, I am 4 months away from my 5th "stomaversary," the anniversary of my stomas and a key milestone in my prognosis. As I reach this milestone...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Let's Cease Using the Word "Bag!"I'm almost six years into this journey now, and I cannot count the number of times that I see people post online how much they hate the "bag" and their...Reactions0reactionsComments36 comments
Stopped in My Tracks, It Is Not Always Plain SailingI am a very positive person and like to think for the most part - I cope with living with life after bladder cancer and living with two ostomies. When...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Medicinal Cannabis: My ConsultationThe consultation day had arrived. It was here, the day I hoped would be a life changer for me however, due to the coronavirus, my consultation was to be held...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Bladder Cancer: Breaking the CycleThe last two years have been really hard. We, as a people worldwide, have faced challenges we have never faced before. For those of us on the cancer spectrum, this...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Space and TimeYou may have noticed a pattern if you have read some of my articles. I write about the mental health side of cancer and survival. I focus on well-being far...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
A Message from Someone in Cancer CareDear Loved One, I don't know how to tell you this. But I have been diagnosed with cancer... Again. I know how deeply painful it is to hear. We have...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Double the Trouble: Managing Two StomasSo, what is life like with two ostomies? Well, it is often double the work. They both need caring for and looking after - both in different ways. My ileal...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Buyer Beware When it Comes to Bladder Cancer Accessories!After all the years I've been around and all the times I've cautioned others, I recently didn't follow my own advice and very nearly got taken for $100! I know...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
From My Son: Dealing with My Mom's Bladder Cancer DiagnosisHow do you break the news of your diagnosis to your adult children? That question is hard enough to answer when your children live locally. But if your children live...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Ostomies and Bladder CancerIf you have bladder cancer, some medical jargon may feel confusing. Many medical terms sound similar but have different meanings. This is the case with words you may have heard...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Bladder Cancer: Environmental and Occupational HazardsSome of the biggest cancer risks come from lifestyle factors known as environmental hazards. These hazards are present in many people's daily lives. Occupational hazards are a type of environmental...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Per Mom: On Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG)Mom always told me that she loved how I explained things. She said I had a way of making people understand. An understanding was something that was sorely lacking in...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
Preparing for a Cystectomy: The Practical PieceIf you are reading this article and you are going to be having a cystectomy surgery or have the surgery already scheduled, I hope the article will help you to...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Get Your CheckupsPeople talk to me. They open up and unload their burdens. Because of this, I know many intimate details of random people I come across in my day-to-day comings and...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
BCG-Unresponsive Bladder Cancer DefinedThe most common treatment for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is called Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). BCG involves filling the bladder with a live strain of the bacteria Mycobacterium bovis, which works...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Never Take a Moment for GrantedYou never know when something will trigger your gratitude for the simple things in life. The things around you. The people around you who mean the most, life itself even...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments