BCG TreatmentI've recently received a diagnosis of early-stage bladder cancer. The cancer has not spread beyond the bladder lining, and I'm about to start BCG treatments. If you have undergone BCG...Reactions0reactionsComments22 repliesNewly Diagnosed
Deciding for a early cystectomy?Hi, relatively new (1 month) to my bladder cancer journey 39 y.o. male diagnosed a TaG3 + CIS. My father had almost the same diagnosis at 67 about 8 years...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSurgeryNewly DiagnosedNeobladder
Is it normal or OK to wait six weeks before BCG therapiesI had originally thought I had a kidney stone. Only slight blood in urine for a few weeks. GP suggested ultrasound and found 2cm urothelial tumor. I had my surgery...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatmentNewly Diagnosed
Incontinence and constipation after TURBTHello, 74 y.o. man here. Had a 7cm tumor removed from my bladder on 12/18 and finally released from hospital on 12/22. Within a few hours of being home, I...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesNewly Diagnosed
new overwhelmedI m not sure what to do here so I guess I just start posting. Im 72 just got told have cancer in bladder. Have to set up different scans...Reactions0reactionsComments20 repliesCopingNewly Diagnosed
Just diagnosed with high grade Stage 1 (maybe 2?) Bladder Cancer -- Trying to decide between conservative and aggresive treatmentImaging a couple of months ago found a 2.5cm mass in my bladder which turned out to be a papillar tumor , and the pathology from my TURBT a week...Reactions0reactionsComments19 repliesNewly DiagnosedCopingDiagnosis
What treatment should i opt for.Type 2b bladder cancer, non aggressive, I had TURBT operation to remove growth, I don't know if i should do Chemo with Radiotherapy or have a cystectomy. My urologist suggests...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesNeobladderTreatmentNewly Diagnosed
My mom and stage 4 bladder cancerI’m sitting here in the hospital with my mom and daughter waiting for her discharge and waiting for pathology reports and a plan. In the meantime told to take her...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCopingNewly Diagnosed
New & ScaredHi everyone! My little tumor was discovered this week & my TURBT surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. I’m a 39 year old female (non smoker) & I have 3 kiddos...Reactions0reactionsComments33 repliesNewly Diagnosed
Just had second bladder procedure to remove 4 more tumors and have BCG question I’m so fortunate that the five tumors I have had removed were not in the wall. After my last procedure I also received a BCG treatment. Days two thru four...Reactions0reactionsComments20 repliesNewly DiagnosedSide EffectsTreatment